ArLene Hall
Fine Art

Arlene Hall
Arlene Hall is a realistic artist specializing in the delights of the world around us. She is always looking for new subjects in daily life that brings us together. If she can bring a smile to your face and a song in your heart she has done her job. She enjoys the ability to learn new things everyday because in 2018 she had a stroke which suddenly took away her ability to speak, read, write, drive or understand any sort of number related activity. She was unable to hold a pencil, so she learned to hold a brush and acrylic paints became her medium.
Arlene lives in Palmdale, CA with her husband, James, two rambunctious Golden Retrievers and three conversational chickens which bring laughter every day.
Life is hard. It is how we overcome that teaches us bravery, strength and takes us along the journey, one step at a time.